Friday 27 June 2014

Alberto Del Rio Talks About CM Punk

I can hear you sighing.
You're not helping matters, Alberto Del Rio.
"Mexico's Greatest Import", as JBL refers to him every time he sees him appear on WWE programming, was asked in a recent interview at Digital Spy if CM Punk will be back with the company anytime soon.

His response:
"Yeah, of course. He'll be back soon. I don't know when, but he'll back."
Granted, Del Rio is simply a former colleague who likely has very little insight regarding Punk's state of mind right now or at any time over the past couple years. One man who absolutely does, Paul Heyman, remarked not long ago that he was surprised Punk lasted as long as he did.
Meanwhile, the "Second City Saint" is living it up now that he has no commitment to professional wrestling. In addition to enjoying the Chicago Blackhawks run through the NHL Playoffs this year and attending as many Chicago Cubs baseball games as he chooses, Punk recently married AJ Lee.

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